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"She used to worry endlessly until her life was

knotted in circles she couldn't escape:

she couldn't move or recognize joy or find her way back to the people she loved--

she had been narrowed.

One day, after all her worrying & best-laid plans failed,

she remembered what it felt like to move & began dancing, instead.

Her friends (still worriers) asked: 'Why do you dance so much?'

And she replied: 'The universe is indifferent to all our schemes, so why worry? Dancing is much more fun.'"


For those who look for some bit of joy in the world even when all our plans fail, no matter how hard we try.

Schemes & Dancing

SKU: 0000017
  • This original watercolor story is painted on archival quality, acid-free, cold pressed, 140 lb. watercolor paper using permanent pen and ink and professional grade watercolor paint. The wash is saturated with color, and the movement of both brush and paint across the paper is clear and vivid. It is titled, dated, and signed in graphite at the bottom.

    Size: 12" x 9" (305 x 228 mm)   

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Jessica Ruthven is a visual artist who specializes in oil paintings, block prints, and pen and ink watercolors. She is based half-time in the United States and the other half in South Africa. 

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Copyright ©2020 by Jessica Ruthven
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