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"'How are you doing?' he asked a friend who'd had some Love Troubles.

And the friend replied: 'Well, I have a few Thoughts & Feelings, but it'll take Time & Patience to work them out.'

At a loss, he paused & thought: 'How should I respond to such vagueness?' 

But aloud, he said: 'These things are tough--I'm here if you need me.'

Slowly, his friend nodded.

And as they walked away, both longed for a more

Genuine Connection & wished for words that cut to the Heart of the Matter."


This comes from watching some of the men at both the core and edges of my life struggle to connect

with each other.

Male Bonding

SKU: 0000012
  • This original watercolor story is painted on archival quality, acid-free, cold pressed, 140 lb. watercolor paper using permanent pen and ink and professional grade watercolor paint. The wash is saturated with color, and the movement of both brush and paint across the paper is clear and vivid. It is titled, dated, and signed in graphite at the bottom.

    Size: 12" x 9" (305 x 228 mm)

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Jessica Ruthven is a visual artist who specializes in oil paintings, block prints, and pen and ink watercolors. She is based half-time in the United States and the other half in South Africa. 

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Copyright ©2020 by Jessica Ruthven
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